Impressions,  Misc.,  Photos,  Racaire,  Vienna

Happy Easter! …and some Spring Impressions from Vienna :D

Racaire 2014_March_Schoenbrunn

Happy Easter! Frohe Ostern!
…from Vienna. 😀

You really can’t avoid the Easter feeling here in Vienna. You can find chocolate Easter eggs and chocolate Easter bunnies at every grocery store here.
…and there are Easter markets all over town too…
Yes, you can say that Austrian like their Easter. *lol*

…and though I am not sharing my chocolate Easter eggs or my chocolate Easter bunnies with you – in my opinion this is always the best part of Easter – I have some lovely Spring impressions from Vienna, Schönbrunn for you. This photos have definitely less calories than my Easter chocolate 😉

Happy Easter! ...and some Spring Impressions from Vienna, Schönbrunn :D

I hope you enjoyed this “embroidery free sunday” posting and my photos of the spring impressions from Vienna. …and tomorrow I have some new pictures of embroidery for you, I promise! 😀

Best regards Racaire