Impressions,  Misc.,  Photos,  Vienna

Impressions from Vienna – Tiergarten Schönbrunn – chicken of doom,…

Impressions from Vienna - the rare TAUERNSCHECKENZIEGE - TAUERSCHECKEN-GOAT…and again another “embroidery-posting-free” sunday with more impressions from Vienna.

This time again from the Tiergarten Schönbrunn – which is (still) the oldest zoo of the world and in my personal opinion one of the best zoos of the world. You can find more pictures and additional information of the Tiergarten Schönbrunn in my posting <here>

…and yes, I really think I found the “chicken of doom”, as well as other cute poultry like fluffy “SILKY”s – a chicken species already known for 1000 years in Asia – and a rather rare goat species, nearly extinct…

…but let’s start with the chicken of doom: 

Racaire's chicken of doom

…now you might ask – chicken of doom – really?

I can just tell you that this little chicken was much more terrifying than it looks like at this photo. I took this photo not even a half meter away from it and I was really worried it would attack me – yes, it was so terrifying and “huge” – but I took up my courage and took another pic of it. …but this picture here still makes me shiver – can you see the crazy look in its eyes? 😉

This is my very personal “chicken of doom”! *lol*

I guess that is the silly city-girl inside of me that only gets to see chickens at the zoo…

…the silly city-girl who normally knows only one kind of chicken – the one you get at the grocery store, already dead, emptied and naked. That might be the reason why I highly enjoy to see this “old” but still living and bred species.

…and now lets get to some really interesting information about this very special kind of “chicken of doom”, lets see which information the zoo gives about them:

“This chicken’s comb is red
and winding on it’s head.
I come from Styria and have specialized in laying lots of eggs and delivering good meat. The favorite part of my body is my comb. The females in our family wear it and if you look at it from above, it has an s-shape.”

Another information the German text gives is that this is a subspecies of the middle-european country-chicken – especially bred in Styria and the “Sulmtal” (a small valley/ region in Austria). Furthermore the information says that since 1950 this special chicken species is not very popular anymore because other chicken-species were bred which produce more eggs and deliver more good meat.

Too bad, I would take some of them with me if I could – ok, in a cage, I admit it… they looks so terrifying but also so cute… and omg – I am sure, they surely taste delicious – especially “my” chicken of doom. *giggle*

…and more pictures of the SULMTAL CHICKEN:

…they look fluffy and delicious, don’t they? Well, talking about fluffy, I think I should show you another cute kind of chicken – in German it’s called “SEIDENHUHN” – translated into English that means silk chicken and it really looks like a “SILKY” – take a look and decide yourself:



 …and here the information the zoo gives about this chicken:

“I am a SILKY, my skin is blue
I’ve got 5 toes just like you.
Call me silky or fowl. For over 1000 years I have been known in Asia. I wear feathers from head to toe but I can’t fly, because these feathers have no barb and are smooth and soft. What I love? Breeding is my favorite, but I also like to cackle alot.”

…and last but not least I have a rather rare goat species for you too – the “TAUERNSCHECKENZIEGE” – the “TAUERSCHECKEN-GOAT“:


Well, this goat looks like a normal goat, doesn’t it. Well, lets find out what makes it so special – here the information from the zoo:

TAUERSCHECKEN-GOAT, yes that’s me!
People thought I was already extinct but a farmer in Rauris (Salzburg) kept a small herd of us. Now I am here and people care about me. I’ve got three colours and horns for both genders.”

Furthermore the German text also gives the information that after WWII the local goats were interbred with high-performance-goats for their milk-performance. This goats are still endangered. Therefore I was really happy to see this:


…can you see it? …no? …well, this photo might help:


Babies!!!! Baby-goats!!!! …just one little “step” but an important step for survival. 😀

I hope you enjoyed our small journey and my information… 🙂
…and next week I have “Drachenköpfe” (dragon heads) for you – I promise 🙂

Best regards Racaire