Wooohoooo! Countdown! Just 1 day left!
…and I just finished my embroidered 14th century pouch for the raffle!
I just managed to finish the embroidered 14th century pouch! …and there is still one day left until the raffle! *happydance*
This “petite” pouch is inspired by an actual 14th century pouch from France. I decided to rework two sections of an extant 14th century French pouch for it. You can see pictures of the other sections in my postings about my current commission which is based on the same extant 14th century French pouch: “14th century French pouch commission”
The final result looks so nice that I wish I could keep it for myself – but no, I will raffle it off tomorrow betwixt my members.
…and I will not only raffle off this pouch, I also added one of my embroidery scissors from my “personal fancy scissors collection”. You can see it at the picture above.
This is one of the scissors I got as a birthday present from Frank from the shop www.scherenkauf.de. I have to say that I really love the scissors which he gave me 2011. I use mine nearly every day since I got them and they still work like at the very first day. 🙂
Btw. one of my personal and favorite scissors, which I use very often is this one:
Link Amazon.com:
Mundial 3-1/2-Inch Classic Forged Stork Embroidery Scissors, Gold Plated Finish
(unfortunately I can’t tell you if this are the same scissors I use but they look very close to what I use and have a really good rating)
Link Amazon.de:
Stickschere / Storchenschere
…and finally some pictures of the finished pouch for you – Enjoy! 😀
Finest wool-silk thread on linen and 55 hours of work…
…and I am very proud of the final result and glad to know that it will find a good home soon. 😀
What next?
I took several photos during the sewing process and I think that they will make a really nice extra information for you soon. …and I am still working at the next posting for the second “Craft with Racaire” project – “Project #2 – Pouch #1 – fast and easy pouch tutorial (handsewn)” and I find it really amazing how long this new posting already got. *lol*
Well, I am working at a nice in-depth posting about another very basic but also important hand sewing technique as well as some of the possibilities to use this technique in medieval hand embroidery. I think you might enjoy the next posting even more than my in-depth posting about “Running Stitch“… but I won’t tell you more at the moment… 😉
…but I promise to post it soon, very soon,… maybe on monday… oh my, I have so much to post about but posting always takes so much time… but I have to admit, even if it takes a lot of time, it is also a lot of fun to work at the in-depth postings for my members… 😀
PS.: You can find the other postings with progress pictures of this project in my Category: 14th century Pouch for 9th Blog-Birthday. Postings till now:
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle…
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle… .2
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .3 – just 9 days left! 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .4 – just 8 days left! 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .5 – just 7 days left! 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .6 – just 5 days left! 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .7 – just 4 days left! 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .8 – just 3 days left! Front side deer finished 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .9 – Unicorn finished! 😀
- Working at an embroidered 14th century pouch for the 9th blog-birthday raffle .10 – Ready for sewing! 😀
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